Learn how to teach your dog to speak and be quiet. A useful tool for owners of dogs who bark.
Relationship-Based Dog Training: Benefits by Best Friends’ behavior consultants.
The importance of forming relationships with our animals for the best success in training. It Covers science-based-positive training methods, dog training tips, and helpful articles on dominance theory, punishment in training, and various studies relating to animal behavior and training.
Sherry Woodard: Dog Pulling on Leash
How to prevent your dog from pulling on their leash; by Sherry Woodard
Sherry Woodard: Separation Anxiety in Dogs
What is separation anxiety, how is it caused and what can you do to help your dog? Separation anxiety is anxiety that manifests itself as visible stress within 30 minutes of the departure of the dog’s person. The anxiety can vary from mild to severe. Separation anxiety is preventable and responds well when treated.
Sherry Woodard: Stop Dog Barking
Though people find barking annoying and want to stop barking dogs, it isn’t annoying to dogs. Rather, it’s one of a variety of ways that dogs express themselves. Learn more on reasons dogs bark and how to teach them alternative behaviors.
Sherry Woodard: Teaching Your Dog Basic Cues
Teaching your dog to respond to basic cues such as “sit” and “down” is easy, fun and gives fast results.
Sheer Woodard: Dog Head Halters
How to teach your dog to wear a head halter. Head halters are useful tools for strong and reactive dogs. The key to success lies in teaching your dog how to enjoy wearing them.
Sherry Woodard: Dog Chewing and How to Redirect It
Learn how to stop your dog from chewing things you don’t want, by teaching him what things he can chew.
Sherry Woodard: Crate Training: The Benefits for You and Your Dog
Learn about the benefits of crate training your dog. Dogs are hard-wired by their genetic history to be den animals. A den is a small, safe, well-defined space. It is a place in which dogs feel instinctively safe.
Denver Dumb Friends League: Understanding Reactivity in Dogs
Learn why your dog reacts in certain situations and ways you can help lessen his need to react.