Think some form of punishment is necessary when training your dog? The following examples will show you why it just doesn’t work and can make matters even worse.
Month: January 2020
Cruise for Critters: A Benefit for Maui Humane Society
Join us on Thursday, February 13th for a Sunset Sail in partnership with Trilogy Excursions!
Pet Disaster Preparedness
The best way to protect your family from the effects of a disaster is to be prepared, and have a disaster plan. If you are a pet parent, that plan includes your pets. Keep reading to find out what should be included in your pet disaster preparedness and first aid kits, and for additional resources.
About the Wings of Aloha Transfer Program
The Wings of Aloha program was created to fly pets to the mainland where there are animal welfare partners and new owners waiting for Maui’s homeless pets.
How Fee-Waived Adoption Events Save Lives
Why We Do It We love saving lives, and there is no question that fee-waived adoption events SAVE LIVES. They bring out adopters, cut the length of stay for shelter animals, and create precious space in the shelter for others in need. While stories of abuse and neglect...
Pet Microchipping FAQs
Pet microchipping is the surest way to ensure that your pet is returned to you quickly and safely if they become lost or stray.
Pets and Housing: Resources for Owners and Landlords
Do you have questions about pet housing on Maui that aren’t covered in this post? Call (808) 877-3680 ext. 3 – we’ll see what we can do to help!
Common Ground for Cats and Wildlife
With a mission to protect all animals, the Maui Humane Society stands on common ground with those who care about both cats and wildlife.
About Service Animals
Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.
Coping with Pet Loss
Animals provide companionship, acceptance, emotional support, and unconditional love. If you understand and accept this bond between humans and animals, you’ve already taken the first step toward coping with pet loss: knowing that it is okay to grieve when a pet dies....