Lost & Found Pets
Submit a lost or found pet report to help Maui Humane Society reunite pets with their ‘ohanas. As the only open-intake shelter on Maui, lost pets make their way through our doors every day. Please be as thorough as possible and include pictures!
Found kittens? Learn more about how to help!
Lost Your Pet?
Follow the provided steps to bring your missing pet home.
Found A Pet?
Turn lost into reunited. Take these steps to help find their owner.

Your Pet’s Ticket Home
Providing your pet with proper identification is the key to getting them home quickly and safely. Here’s what you can do:
Place ID tags on your pets’ collars with current contact information. A phone number will make it possible to reach you quickly.
Microchip your pet and make sure information is up-to-date if you move or change your phone number. A microchip greatly increases a lost pet’s chances of coming home.
Dogs are legally required to be licensed after 4 months of age in Maui County. Licensing can help identify your dog and bring them home.
Keep a current photo of your pet at all times. Knowing crucial details like your pet’s breed, approximate weight, and distinguishing features will greatly increases the odds of your pet returning to you.
Keep your dog properly restrained when out in public, and maintain the fencing in your dog’s holding area.
Keep cats indoors or in a confined outdoor area for their safety and to preserve local wildlife.