Leave That Kitten Where It's Sittin'!

Found kittens? When we find a litter of kittens, more often than not, mom is nearby! She is most likely hunting for food to provide for her babies, and she will return shortly. The best thing you can do is leave the kittens where they are, and work towards getting mom and the babies fixed once they are old enough. Mom offers her kittens the best chance for survival, and their survival rate decreases by 50% without her.

If mom does not return in 10 hours, check to see if the kittens are well-fed and warm. If not, human intervention may be necessary. If the kittens appear to be sick and/or injured, please reach MHS’ Humane Enforcement at 808-877-3680 ext. 222.

There Are No Signs of Mom. Now What?

Option 1: Care for the Kittens

Endless kitten care resources are available online, including everything from determining a kitten’s age to bottle feeding and weaning, and more. If you need further training and/or supplies, please contact [email protected].

Option 2: Schedule an Appointment

If you are unable to care for the kittens yourself, please first make sure that mom is no where to be found! If the kittens appear to be 8 weeks or younger, or are sick/injured, please schedule an appointment to bring them in to the shelter.

How You Can Help This Kitten Season


You can choose to bottle feed our most fragile felines, or help older kittens gain weight and learn important social skills before adoption. MHS offers training and resources for anyone interested!

  • TNVR: Prevent unwanted litters in your neighborhood and reduce cat overpopulation. MHS’ Community Cat Coordinator can can assistwith Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, and Release efforts.
  • Volunteer: Join our volunteer pack to help felines in our shelter.
  • Donate: MHS depends on the donations of animals lovers to care for Maui’s animals.
  • Spread the Word: Share this flyer with your neighbors and the community.

Other Tips & FAQS

I found a kitten. What should I do?

When we find a litter of kittens, more often than not, mom is nearby! She is most likely hunting for food to provide for her babies, and she will return shortly. The best thing you can do is leave the kittens where they are, and work towards getting mom and the kittens fixed when they are old enough. Mom offers her kittens the best chance for survival, and their survival rate decreases by 50% without her.

If mom does not return in 10 hours, check to see if the kittens are well-fed and warm. If not, human intervention may be necessary. If the kittens appear to be sick and/or injured, please reach MHS’ Humane Enforcement at 808-877-3680 ext. 222.


Mom has not returned in 10 hours. Can I care for orphaned kittens myself?
Absolutely! Caring for kittens in your home allows Maui Humane Society to focus on the pets with the most critical needs. Endless kitten resources are available at kittenlady.org, including everything from determining a kitten’s age to bottle feeding and weaning, and so much more. Kitten Care is a great starting point.

MHS can provide training, supplies, and resources to help you care for kittens until they are old enough to be spayed/neutered and placed up for adoption. Please contact [email protected] to request assistance.

When the kittens are 8 weeks or older, they are usually big enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted.

Mom has not returned in 10 hours, and I cannot care for the kittens myself. Can I bring them to the shelter?
Kittens should be brought to Maui Humane Society as a last resort, as our shelter capacity is extremely high during kitten season. Please schedule an appointment to bring the kittens in to the shelter by emailing [email protected].
How can I help Maui's kittens?

The best way you can help orphaned kittens in our community is by fostering them! Fostering expands the walls of our shelter and allows us to focus on the pets with the most critical needs. Plus, it’s free! Maui Humane Society will provide all supplies, food, medication, and training, while fosters will temporarily provide their homes and hearts. Learn more at mauihumanesociety.org/foster!

How can I learn more about caring for orphaned kittens?
Endless kitten resources are available at kittenlady.org, including everything from determining a kitten’s age to bottle feeding and weaning, and so much more! Kitten Care is a great starting point.
Can I foster kittens with Maui Humane Society?
Our favorite question to answer… YES! Fosters allow us to expand the walls of our shelter and save even more lives. Kitten fosters are especially critical as they allow us to focus on the most vulnerable kittens in our shelter. Learn more!
Outdoor cats are driving me crazy. What can I do?

We can help! TNVR, or Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return, is the most humane and effective approach to reducing community cat populations. It saves cats’ lives and slowly diminished the number of community cats in an area by preventing the breeding cycle and allowing cats to continue protecting their established territories (thus preventing the vacuum effect). Learn more!