Open Letter to Maui Community
September 5, 2023
Four weeks ago today, Maui was forever changed. Fires swept through upcountry Maui and devastated
Lahaina town, burning homes and businesses. People and animals who were unable to escape the fast-
moving flames lost their lives. As I watched coverage of the events, all I could think of were my friends
who lived there — were they able to escape, and did they have enough time to grab their animals? My
heart has broken a thousand times for every scared, sweet life lost then, and in the days that followed.
My team at Maui Humane Society began the work that consumed us over the past four weeks and will
continue for many months to come. With the help of dozens of experienced search and rescue experts,
animal trappers, data experts, veterinarians, and technicians — all of whom were volunteers — we
mounted a comprehensive and coordinated effort to save as many animal lives as possible. Each person
brought a unique skill set and many years of experience in their specialty. I am very proud of my team,
the volunteers, and others who pitched in to help us.
The first three weeks were very tough as we were denied access to the Lahaina burn zone despite our
multiple pleas to allow us access. Knowing there were lost, scared, and injured animals we couldn’t get
to was frustrating and heartbreaking. We were able to assess and treat animals brought to us and to
house animals whose owners were not able to take them to temporary housing. We created a database
of missing animals with the hope that we will be able to reunite the animals with their owners.
Finally on Saturday, August 26, we received word that we would be allowed access with restrictions. We
could enter the burn zone but only with a National Guard escort; we could not enter structures; and we
could work in open areas only. Given the limitations placed on us, we focused on rescuing live animals
and retrieving bodies of deceased animals.
In the nine days that followed, we worked around the clock. During the day, animal search and rescue
teams (ASAR) responded to service calls of lost animals, to seek animals left behind in structures that
survived the fires, and to follow up on reports of live animals seen. Trapping teams worked every night
since August 26, focusing their efforts on reports and sightings of injured animals. In addition, they have
been leaving food and water for many more animals who appeared healthy, planning to trap them when
the flood of injured animals has abated.
To date, 350 animals from Lahaina were caught, assessed, treated, and housed — 219 cats, 88 dogs, and
43 others (rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, tortoises, and a pet pig). Of those, 104 were reunited with their
owners. Our veterinary clinic, manned by our staff and by volunteer veterinarians, has treated dozens of
cats and dogs for smoke inhalation, dehydration, burns ranging from mild to severe, and other injuries.
I have seen the best of humanity over the past four weeks — truckloads of donated food and supplies
continue to arrive daily from caring individuals and organizations across the country; hundreds of
volunteers show up at the shelter every day to help break down the shipments and repackage them for
distribution; veterinarians and technicians from our local clinics and abroad have come to help treat
burn victims in our onsite clinic and go out in our mobile clinic to the West side to provide free
veterinary care to displaced residents. Our staff — I can’t say enough about how dedicated, resilient,
passionate, and hard-working they are — has come together like never before to care for the animals
and serve the Maui community. I am so thankful for every single member of our team; they are truly the
best of the best.
Sadly, our efforts are being hampered by misinformation. We are not charging boarding fees to hold
animals; all boarding fees were waived indefinitely for animals impacted by the fires.
We are letting Lahaina residents into the shelter to search for their animals; they and all members of the
public are welcomed at the shelter to look for their animals seven days a week from 11 am to 5 pm.
Recently we were asked about our protocols for rescuing and assessing cats. Our protocols were
developed with the input and expertise of Neighborhood Cats, a non-profit organization founded in
1999 in New York City. Neighborhood Cats’ mission is “to improve the lives of the millions of cats living
on our streets and support the compassionate people caring for them.” Our protocols can be read here.
At the end of the day, we recognize that our efforts will be criticized, claiming that we could have done
more. While we accept the criticism, we recognize that there are many more of you who support us and
our mission. While we thank you very much for your past efforts, we need you now more than ever.
Please foster, donate, or volunteer at the shelter and let others know that you are on our team.
Thank you.
Lisa Labrecque, DVM
CEO, Maui Humane Society
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